02 February 2014

We want books!

The islets that we are supporting are quite remote - not because of the distance to the main island but of accessibility.  The students take paddle boats or hitches a ride with their parents when it's high tide.  If it is low tide, they walk the whole distance from their islet to the main island.  That leaves them very little time to access the library and discourages them in bringing books back to the islets as they can get wet or be lost while crossing the sea.

We want to establish mini-libraries in the islets to give the kids, young people (basically everyone on the islets) access to books.

With your help, we can make this happen.  For the students, they need reference materials like dictionaries, encyclopedia, and the like.  Short stories, novels, and storybooks are also very welcome.

It is important that the books are in good condition so that they can be enjoyed by more readers.

You can contact us for more information.

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